About SistaSocialite

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You can call me a shy-socialite. I'm a cool person that loves to have fun... caring, humble, humorous, etc... Fashion + setting trends is my thing... my niche... my passion... I'm a socialite:: What did u expect?

Song/ Clip of the Week


Saturday, August 23, 2008


So, as I was standing in line at Ben's Chilli Bowl talking to my homeboy who's a fellow DC blogger, we were thinking...we need to get all the DC bloggers and have a "DC/Maryland/Virginia Blogger Meet-Up" good idea huh?? lol. Now, this isn't limited to just the DMV area, anyone can come (NY, Phila, North Dakota, etc). I was thinking of going somewhere off of U Street because there's a WIDE range of lounges and restaurants to choose from. The actually date hasn't been set, but if I can get enough people to hit me up and let me know if they're interested... we can set up a date and place. Now who's interested?? PLZ pass on the word about it and mention this blog post... I'm looking to have about 20+ bloggers coming out!


She W0rd Hustlez said...

Damn, wish I wasn't all the way out here in Texas. I'd definitely come out to meet with the fellow bloggers.

So I'm new to your blog as well and so far I'm loving the layout and the song! I just downloaded it. I love Lloyd. This surely won't be my first and last visit. Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

The Aesthetic Leo said...

Depending on when you have it, I might be able to come and flirt with you, I mean, come and represent for Detroit bloggers. :)

I have family that attends Howard and they want me to visit this upcoming school year....so I'm definitely interested in being able to kill two birds w/ one stone.

LOL, gotta show you East Coast bloggers some Midwest love! :)

SistaSocialite said...

@she w0rd hustlez- I LOVE LLOYD!! OMG... that's my second husband next to Trey Songz haha

@one ten- Im thinkin it should be like September 13th maybe... you better come! lol

Dave Van Buren said...

I'd like to come out but I can't do sept 13th. 6th or 20th are cool. Let me know.

Oh yeah that "blackpeopleloveus" site on your page made my night... lol

brran1 said...

Keep me posted. Maybe i'll be able to round up the 3 or 4 Baltimore Bloggers I know.

Unknown said...

Well, I live in Pittsburgh. And my sister in Virginia so I could come down with enough notice.

I am going to New York to meet those guys in Oct.

I don't know how many fellow bloggers I have in Pgh. I need to find a way to find out.

Anonymous said...

I'm down.

SistaSocialite said...

@super dave- I'm thinking in 3 weeks or more. If all else fails Oct 4th? It all depends on everyone's schedule once I get a head count on who's gonna come.

@ brran1- Yay! Mention this post to them por favor :)

@ true urban queen- Is the end of September not good for u?

@1980- Awesum, spread the word!

SistaSocialite said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
. said...

count me in.
just let a brotha know.

Avante D. Davis said...

im down.

Beautifully.Conjured.Up said...

Although I'm not a DC/MD/VA blogger, I still want to go :)

Dani B. said...

I just "discovered" your blog and I am so happy I did because I go to Howard (originally from Brooklyn,New York) and I am JUST getting used to what DC has to offer (I'm currently a sophomore). I can bring my friend.

Keep me posted!

Organized Noise said...

I don't know if I can make that one, but on October 25th, I'll be in Baltimore and we are going to have the third annual Baltimore Blogger Meet & Greet. Would love to see you there. (Hit me up for more details)

who? said...

I'm from Philly, but I'd be down with that... now it's all abt getting the extra bread to take such an extravagant trip... even though I used to be down richmond at the drop of a hat...

Muze said...

awww you guys suck.

no one is in detroit but me.


just kidding. have fun guys. *smiles*

Eb the Celeb said...

you know if I was in the area I would be there... the DC bloggers should definitely take a trip north in october though for the bloggers delight event

1/3 said...

I'll def see if I can make it. Let me know the date!!

C. Baptiste-Williams said...

if im around ill swing through definitely

Charles said...

I wanna go!!! I'm in VA now...but I'll be in baltimore soon...either way I'll still be in the area...let me know the date and I'll try and make a cameo.

The F_Uitlist said...

ok I hate blogger because I know I posted this last night!

I will be in DC area the weekend of the 13th.

And Eb is right get the car pool going and come up in October.

SistaSocialite said...

I'm def going to go to NY in October!